On most modern saws the Laserkerf is attached to splitter with a B-3 bracket. Optionally you can attach B-15 to the kickback arm. The B-3 bracket comes with an acrylic adhesive strip to attach easily to the arm. The Laserkerf is then attached to the bracket. Dry fit the two pieces to the slitter to see what the angle should be for the best coverage.
The Laserkerf requires a space of 1 3/8" square x 3/4" thick for installation.
The B-15 bolts on to the kickback, or the B-3 attaches with adhesive to the splitter.
Installation Instructions
As indicated on the product label DO NOT look into the laser when it is on.
Two cable clips are provided to secure the wire away from moving portions of the saw, DO NOT operate the saw with the cable hanging lose.
Operating Guidelines
The unit is provided with a 110vAC-power supply or battery pack. The Laserkerf should be mounted 5” to 8” from the work surface. The laser has a horizontal adjustment of +/- .250” and an angular adjustment of +/- 30 degrees. The unit is to be attached to the saw with an adhesive strip that is located on the back of the Laserkerf. Average life of the laser is 5000hrs.
Laser Placement
When Laserkerf is used with a radial arm saw the laser should be mounted in front of the blade.
B-15 Bracket Installation
B-14 Bracket Installation
Laser Alignment
1. Check on the laserkerf.com web site for installation information on particular saws. The laser mounts in front of the blade on the upper guard of the radial-arm saw.
2. Make sure that the saw is aligned properly, per the owners’ manual.
3. First clamp a block of wood 1.5in thick and 6in wide to the table in front of the blade.
4. Bring the saw out and cut a slot in the wood 3-4 inches long.
5. Unplug the saw.
6. Mount the installation bracket, if necessary, as specified for your saw.
7. Turn the laser on and place the laser against the mounting surface and point the laser onto the slot.Use the angular adjustment, see below, to align the beam parallel and into the slot. You do not need to remove the rubber band to adjust the angle; simply push right or left on the top of the bump made by the adjustment knob. If the beam hits the side wall of the slot the beam is not directly above the slot.
8. The beam should shine through the slot onto the saw table(see below).
9. Once you have determined approximately where the laser will be positioned. Clean the area bracket or saw area with mineral spirits to remove any contamination. Allow the area to dry completely.
10. Remove the backing from the adhesive on the laser. Hold the laser at a slight angle to the mounting surface determined in step 7. Ground the bottom edge of the laser against the mounting surface, making sure the beam is illuminating the slot. Roll the laser completely against the surface. Press firmly for 10 seconds.
11. The Laserkerf is now aligned to the blade.
12. Allow the adhesive to bond for at least 3 hours before the saw is used. The adhesive is very aggressive and will cure in 48 to 72 hours.
13. Before the saw is used make sure that the black rubber band completely covers the angular wheel and the slot on the back of the box.
14. Position one cable clip in the middle of the upper saw guard. Mount the other clip in the middle of the slide. Attach the wire to the cable clips. This will allow the wire to track with the saw as it is pulled in and out. Remove the backing from the tape on the switch and attach in a convenient location.